That’s a Wrap! Fall Veggie Share #8 – 12/13/23 (final box)
I always find it a wild cosmic coincidence that Michael and my birthdays’ perfectly bookend the veggie share season. Our last fall share goes out tomorrow, the 13th. Michael will celebrate [...]
Frito, Farm Cat in Training: Fall Share Week #7 (final EO A share) – Dec 6
Frito, Farm Cat in Training Currently Frito is splayed out on my desk in front of the computer screen. Most days now, she either lays in front of my screen or sits behind me on my desk chair. [...]
A Christmas Tree, Brussels Sprouts & a Chainsaw: Fall Veggie Share Week #6 – 11/29/23
A Christmas Tree, Brussels Sprouts and a Chainsaw Fifteen years ago, Michael and I planted a hedgerow of trees along the west side of our fields at the farm on J to give us some visual and audio [...]
Chicken Races: TUESDAY (!!!) Nov. 21st, Veggie Share Week #5
Chicken Races My kids are growing up. My eldest daughter, now 14, sometimes engages with me, but mostly shrugs and rolls her eyes when she’s not blaring Taylor Swift through her ear buds. [...]
Opossum Night-Hunting: Fall Veggie Share Week #4 – 11/15/23
Opossum Night-Hunting I’m in my pajamas. I’ve just finished a couple episodes of the Bear. Teeth brushing is occurring. The dog has been let out. I’ve turned the thermostat [...]
the Dreamy Temperature: Fall Veggie Share #3 – Wed., 11/8/23
the Dreamy Temperature Many times I’ve wondered what food I would choose if I was forced to only be allowed to eat one dish ever. (Corn tortilla chips and salsa. No question.) I’ve [...]
Two Seasons: Growing & Hockey: Fall Veggie Share Week #2 – 11/1/23
Two Seasons: Growing & Hockey Two years ago, I started playing hockey. A friend of mine told me about a gay hockey league in Madison (it’s actually the world’s largest) where [...]
A Wish to the Manufacturing World: Fall Week #1 – 10/25/23
A Wish to the Manufacturing World The thing about being a niche organic vegetable farmer is that the general manufacturing industry sometimes does not have products we need or desire. Since [...]
Field Foodies Go Fancy: Veggie Share Week #20 – 10/18/23
Field Foodies Go Fancy As you might imagine, on a farm we talk about food and cooking – a lot. We show and tell what we are eating at lunch – get ideas from each other, brainstorm. [...]
It’s Always All Okay: Veggie Share Week #19 – 10/11/23 – FINAL EO-A Box
It’s Always All Okay Seemingly faster than ever before, the end of the season is upon us. Yesterday, as we ate lunch outside – positioning ourselves purposefully in the sun to enjoy [...]
Leading Farm-Driven Food Access Initiatives: Veggie share #18 – Oct. 3, 2023
Leading Farm-Driven Food Access Initiatives The CSA Innovation Network has asked me to present an Ideas Lab to other farmers next week describing our farm’s food insecurity initiatives. [...]
Ashla, the farm puppy: Veggie Share Week #17 – 9/27/23
Ashla, the farm puppy A few weeks ago, a past employee (and apprentice!) of ours, Jared, came back to the farm. It’s been great to have him back. But this newsletter isn’t about [...]
Barn Party Reflections: Veggie Share Week #16 – 9/20/23
Barn Party Reflections I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about last weeks’ barn party. We hadn’t one in four years. It didn’t feel like something (post-pandemic) that [...]
Cozy Mornings, Delightful Days: Veggie Share Week #15 – 9/13/23
Cozy Mornings, Delightful Days For the last ten minutes I been have sitting at my desk trying to think about something OTHER than the weather to write about. You’ve heard me write about the [...]
Dragonflies: Veggie Share Week #14 – 9/6/23
Dragonflies Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed some new friends flying across the fields: dragonflies. They seemed to like the high heat especially. At first glance I would see one [...]
Things We Learned in the Heat: Veggie Share Week #13 – Aug. 30, 2023
Strange Things We Learned in the Heat Last week’s heat was wild. The thing about farming is the crops don’t stop growing, don’t stop ripening just because it’s hot out. [...]
Tomato Time!: Veggie Share Week#12 – 8/23/23
Tomato Time! Tomato season is upon us! For the next several weeks you will be receiving a bag of mixed tomatoes. There will be some traditional slicers, some romas, and then heirlooms. Heirlooms [...]
Winter Side Gigs – Crew Wants to Know: Veggie Share Week #11 – 8/16/23
Winter Side Gigs – Crew Wants to Know Nothing like a cool, rainy day and a 55 degree night to have us all thinking about how ephermal summer is. Instead of a newsletter this week, I have [...]
Clickety Clack, Pause, Whoosh: Veggie Share Week #10 – 8/9/23
Clickety Clack, Pause, Whoosh This past weekend I took my kids to Noah’s Ark. As an enviromentalist, I have feelings about the Dells and waterparks in general, but as a parent I recognize [...]
Harvesting to the Sound of Earth Movers: Veggie Share Week #9 – Aug 2, 2023
Harvesting to the Sound of Earth Movers I try to tell myself that change is the only thing we can count on in this life. Just because I know this fact, it sometimes doesn’t ease the feeling [...]
Enjoying Our Worm Days: Veggie Share Week #8 – July 26th
Enjoying Our Worm Days Thick in the tall, leafy celery in the hoop house this morning, I found a sphinx moth. Seeing this beautiful, huge black and white moth felt special. With its wings spread, [...]
Eggplant Through NYT’s Mark Bittman’s Eyes: Veggie Share Week #7 – July 19, 2023
Eggplant through Mark Bittman’s Eyes A version of this article appears in print in the New York Times on June 26, 2013, Section D, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Meaty [...]
Perple, Buzzed Heads, & Garlic: Veggie Share Week #6 – 7/11/23
Perple, Buzzed Heads, & Garlic Perple, not purple. (Autocorrect keeps having a fit.) Perple is what happens on hour 5 of the garlic harvest. Agreeing to buzz heads and drink wine after work [...]
Cassandra and Mari: Veggie Share Week #5 – July 5, 2023
Cassandra and Mari Sometimes I look at my children and I just can’t believe how grown they are. This sounds trite, I know, but it is still true. Over the last couple of days I have watched [...]
Butterhead & Other Unpredictables: Veggie Share Week #4 – 6/28/23
Butterhead & Other Unpredictables About 5 years ago we made the switch to offering a customizable veggie share. We wanted to try and stay competitive in a world of increasing choice and [...]
Strawberries & Whipped Cream: Veggie Share Week #3 – 6/21/23
Strawberries and Whipped Cream In the last few years, my body has decided to reject certain foods. I don’t have deathly allergies or anything, but a growing list of foods just don’t [...]
Dog, Rabbit, or Octopus?: Veggie Share Week #2 – 6/14/23
It is nearly impossible to explain to non farmers the explosion of work that happens in the month leading up to the solstice. I find it most akin to child labor. Not that it is painful, but that [...]