Dirt-Washed Jeans: Fall Share #7 – 12/4/24
Dirt-Washed Jeans Fashion fads crack me up. I now love to wear what we used to call Mom jeans when I was a teenager. My teen now wears the same style of corduroy pants I wore in high school. [...]
Farm Family: Fall Share #6 – 11/26/24
Farm Family About a year ago, our 9-member, all-woman pack line volunteers started a book club. The boss doesn’t always get included in the social going ons of the farm, so I was tickled [...]
Where’s the Implement? Fall Veggie Share #5 – 11/20/24
Where’s the Implement? The film, “My Old Ass” is a lovely film about growing up, living in the moment, the power of love and the passage of time. I passed part of the gloomy [...]
The Chip Trio: Barn Kittens! Fall Veggie Share #4 – 11/13/24
The Chip Trio: Barn Kittens! Last Wednesday morning, a fellow farmer posted a picture of 2 adorable kittens she’d lived trapped and asked if any other farmers would be interested in [...]
Squirrel Belly: Fall Veggie Share Week #3 – 11/6/24
Squirrel Belly The high winds of last week denuded the colorful trees in just a couple of days. That, coupled with daylight savings, has made it feel almost instantly hibernate-y out there. [...]
Happy Accident: Fall Week #2 – 10/30/24
Happy Accident At the farm we raise raise hogs for employees and family. This year I have joked that the pigs are of a cursed season. Usually we raise 4 hogs. This year, the day the hogs were [...]
The Sour Patch Time: Fall Week #1 – 10/23/24
The Sour Patch Time We have down-shifted into the fall shares, where much of the food you receive has already been harvested. We still have to wash and pack it, but the hardest of the work has [...]
The Generosity – Hurricane Help: Summer Week #20 – 10/16/24
The Generosity – Hurricane Help Upon returning from wholesale delivery and site sweeps for CSA bins last Thursday, Seth Jake pronounced to Matt (our pack shed manager), “You are [...]
The Goldilocks Time: Summer Week #19 – 10/9/24
The Goldilocks Time These dry, sunny, cooler days have been absolutely phenomenal. Words can’t describe, really, how amazing it is to work outside when it’s cool in the mornings and [...]
Green Potatoes? Summer Week #18 – 10/2/24
Green Spotted Potatoes? Hello folks! Well the sun and wind has finally done its thing, and we are back to harvesting potatoes again. Woohoo! Our potato yields this year aren’t great. [...]
Pneumonia and Potatoes: Summer Week # 17 – 9/25/24
Pneumonia and Potatoes I have been procrastinating writing this newsletter, because there isn’t much creativity happening for me. My mind is completely preoccupied with pneumonia and [...]
Time With My Mind: Summer Week #16 – 9/18/24
Time with My Mind When I was young, I had long thick blonde hair. In high school teachers would ask me if I dyed it. I was very offended, as I have always been more of an au natural kinda person. [...]
The Yellow Time of Coasting: Summer Week #15 – 9/11/24
The Yellow Time of Coasting The farm is like a quilt that we stitch together and unstitch season by season. Crop rotations mean that the patterns change every season. Each year the weather is [...]
Heirlooms & Pistachio Milk: Summer Week #14 – 9/4/24
Heirlooms and Pistachio Milk Recently I enjoyed a celebratory meal at Mint Mark in Madison. A menu item really piqued my curiosity – heirloom tomatoes with pistachio milk. I couldn’t [...]
The End of the Stratford Court Era: Summer Week #13 – 8/28/24
The End of the Stratford Court Era! For 18 years, Jim and Gayle have opened their home on Stratford Court as a pickup site for our Middleton members. They have done so graciously and have always [...]
Honey Braised Turnips and Greens with Bacon
Honey Braised Turnips and Greens with Bacon
Learning Spanish for the Farm: Summer Week #12 – 8/21/24
Learning Spanish for the Farm My goal is to farm for at least another 10 years – perhaps more if my body will allow me to do so. I have no idea how much things will change in another 10 [...]
Orange Peels: Summer Week #11 – 8/14/24
Orange Peels This time of year, field demands on Michael and myself lessen and streamline. We find ourselves shoulder to shoulder with our field crew much more now. I have been delighted by some [...]
The Reparations Check Debacle at BMO Harris Bank: Summer Week #10: 8/7/24
The Reparations Check Debacle at BMO Harris Bank According to Madison Magazine (in their July 3, 2024 article entitled Black Farmer in Madison are Growing Their Legacy), “Black farmers make [...]
The Water Drains East Here: Summer Week #9 – 7/31/24
The Water Drains East Here In my front yard, there no longer remains any evidence that it rained and rained and rained for the early part of this season. If you have a yard, probably you are [...]
Our Lives Feature of Farmer Cassie (Reprint): Summer Week #8 – 7/24/24
Our Lives Article Featuring Farmer Cassie: In March of 2024, I was asked to write an article for Our Lives magazine, Madison’s LQBTQ+ magazine. They wanted to know about my experience as a [...]
Impacts of SO Much Rain: Summer Week #7 – 7/17/24
Impacts of SO MUCH Rain We are so touched by all of the folks who have checked in with us to make sure we are fairing okay with all of this rain! Thank you. So what are the impacts of all this [...]
Loving the Little Things: Summer Week #6 – 7/10/24
Loving the Little Things Farming has its stresses, for sure. Undoubtedly you will learn about many of them as we move together through the season. As farmers, we are really good at talking about [...]
Wishing for More Stomachs: Week #5 – 7/3/24
Wishing for More Stomachs One of the amazing things about being a farmer is having year round access to the food we grow and feeding ourselves locally every month of the year. While this is [...]
Cast Your Vote for Crossroads: Summer Week #4 – 6/26/24
Vote Crossroads Best of Madison 2024 by June 30th! We are very honored this season to have made the final round of the Best of Madison for a CSA (veggie share) farm. Would you be willing to take [...]
Reparations Recipient: Farmher Greens: Summer Week #3 – 6/19/24
2024 Reparations Recipient – Farmher Greens Dear Members, This year’s reparations farm recipient is FarmHer Greens in Madison, Wisconsin. FarmHer Greens was founded by Kim Fruin, and [...]
Air Traffic Control: Summer Week #2 – 6/12/24
Air Traffic Control Starting in March, I begin seeding plants and tending plants in the greenhouse. During March and April, I spend long, quiet hours, carefully seeding the baby plants that will [...]
The June Explosion: Summer Week #1 – 6/5/24
The June Explosion The seasonal change that is June never ceases to amaze me. This will be our 20th season here at Crossroads, and this change never fails to astound. When we slowly begin the [...]