Great Dane’s Inner Warmth Stew


Great Dane’s Inner Warmth Stew

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March 29, 2017

Great Dane's Inner Warmth Stew


¼ cup of olive oil

½ of a medium onion diced

4 tbsp minced garlic

4 tbsp minced ginger

1 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

16 oz tomato juice

10 oz canned tomato strips in juice

1-1 ½ pounds squash such as acorn or butternut, peeled and cubed into 2" pieces

½ bunch of cilantro chopped

½ cup of peanut butter

Optional hot peppers (as much as you like)


1Sauté onions, garlic, ginger, black pepper and squash in oil until they start to soften.

2 Add tomato juice, tomato strips and salt.

3 Simmer until the squash is tender. Add cilantro then peanut butter. Add hot peppers if using. Mix well.

4 Simmer until a thick stew is formed.

5 Serve over steamed rice and with a hearty dark bread.
