Egg Share

Pasture Patterns eggs are certified organic and produced by Prairie Bluff Farm in Mt. Horeb.

As an extra benefit to your veggie share, you can purchase an egg share to be delivered along with your veggies. Pasture Patterns eggs are certified organic and produced by Steve and Beth Albert on Prairie Bluff Farm in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
Egg shares are available only as an add-on to a vegetable share. Egg shares are available for both summer and fall veggie shares.
We have two different share options for our add-on egg shares.
Egg Shares come with your weekly or everyother week share box. Click here for our listing of Madison-area pick-up sites and days for our Summer & Fall shares. Pick-up day is Wednesday afternoon at your specific location, but if you are planning to be out of town or know you can’t make your pick-up, you can pre-plan to come get your box directly at the farm.