Thanksgiving: Winter CSA ’12 – Delivery #2

 In CSA Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  We hope that each of you find much to give thanks for this year.

I know for myself, living in a nation of plenty, I often see Thanksgiving as a fun blip on the calendar, filled with travel and family. As I am aging, I fall in love with the holiday a little more every year. With two healthy little girls, a wonderful husband, and a thriving farm, I have ever more to be grateful for. Each year I try and challenge myself a little more to reflect on what I take for granted. Peace, security, never a fear of going hungry or cold. These seem like a bare minimum to me, so much so, that I have to remind myself that through the arc of history and even still in many parts of the world, these things can’t be taken for granted

The following poem I really enjoy. It is a little reminder that the gloom of this time of year has historically signaled lean, cold times ahead. We really do have so much to give thanks for.


-by Grace Winthrop

The sunflowers in the garden
Are bending limp and low.
Two cornstalks, brown and withered,
Stand rustling in a row.
€œWe were so fine,€ they murmured,
€œA little while ago!€


The sky is gray and gloom
Without the sunshine’s glow
There is no smiling anywhere
Unless “Oh, gladsome show!
Twelve plump and golden pumpkins
All beaming in a row!


They say, €œWhy so despairing€
We’re always here, you know,
At this unpleasant season
Expressly sent to show
The need of glad Thanksgiving,
In spite of frost and snow.€


– published November 28, 1888 in the American Bee Journal

We wish you safe travels, fun times with friends and family, and a delicious meal.

Sincerely, Mike, Cassie, Zea, & Edie

In the Box:

  • Acorn Squash
  • Bok Choi
  • Butternut Squash
  • Carrots
  • Delicata Squash
  • Garlic
  • Kale
  • Kuri Squash
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Potato, mixed
  • Rutabaga
  • Spinach

This Week’s Recipes:

Winter Delivery #2: MONDAY November, 19th – REGULAR members only