Thanks! AND Call to Support the Farm to Foodbank Program: Veggie Share Week #19 – 10/12/22
Two Part Dispatch:
1)The Farm to Foodbank Program
2) A Big Thank You
The Farm To Foodbank Program
Call to Action: Encourage Your Dane County Supervisor to Support this Awesome Program!
Covid-19 was the impetus for a really cool program in Dane County, called the Farm to Foodbank Program.
Under the leadership of Dane County Executive Joe Parisi, federal Covid relief funding for feeding hungry folks was linked up with local farms. The idea was to use this federal money to feed struggling families through the pantry systems using food produced in the Dane County Area. This program has been incredibly popular with the pantries and the folks it serves, as it has allowed food banks to purchase high quality produce to offer to its clients (vs. the more standard option of offering grocery store rejects). The program has also been very popular with farmers like us, who have had a stable channel to sell food through lots of unpredictable times. Together with about 7 other farms, Crossroads Community Farm is one of the primary vendors for the vegetables in this program.
The program has been so popular, that there is movement to try and continue this work beyond its initial Covid roots. Shouldn’t local pantries always be stocked with high quality, locally grown vegetables? It’s a win win for the eaters and the farmers. And I can say personally that it feels awesome to know that some of our food goes to folks who otherwise couldn’t afford it.
Last week, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced his budget proposal for 2023 and has included $6 million for the Farm to Foodbank program to extend through Dec 2023!
So if you like the idea of local food pantries purchasing high quality products from local farmers, please consider calling/emailing the supervisor for the district you live in to encourage them to support the budget, or at the very least, support the Farm to Foodbank program.
The work we do, growing healthy food, employing many people, is important! This is a program that really has a positive impact and works for everyone involved and keeps that money right here in our area.
Here’s a link to the Dane County supervisors to help you locate your rep and they all have a quick click link for phone #s or to send an email.
Thanks for considering!
A Big Thank You
This Wednesday marks the final share box for every other group-A members. Thank you SO MUCH for supporting our farm this season! Your support allows us to farm without heavy bank loans, and to know that our labor will be paid. We love working hard for you, connecting you to farm life, and nourishing you with the colorful and delicious vegetables labor and land can provide. Thanks for taking this journey with us!
We hope you’ll consider joining again next season! Be on the lookout for our renewal drive in early November, where you will have the chance to renew for the 2023 season at a discounted price.
Be well!
Farmer Cassie