Brussels and Sunshine: Winter CSA Delivery #1
When we first started to grow Brussels sprouts, we would cut the whole stalk and sell it at the farmer’s market. Many folks are used to buying them this way. The thing is, to cut the whole stalk means that inevitably some of the sprouts on the bottom of the stalk (that grew first) are past, and many on the top are too tiny. We learned that if you pick them by hand, 1) you can get about three times the production off the stalk, 2) you can start eating them in August, and 3) they can be bagged and actually fit into a CSA share.
So now we grow rows and rows of Brussels sprouts. Each one is picked by hand. We sell small amounts to the Willy St. Coops and area restaurants; we sell them at the farmer’s market; and we are able to give all summer and winter CSA members a bag.
Picking Brussels can be a pretty daunting affair when the weather cools. Cold rain and/or snow often accompanies the task in October and November. Think numb fingers. But this year we have been lucky, so very lucky with the weather. Today we picked in just our long sleeves, having stripped off layers of sweatshirts, coats, and vests.
It was absolutely lovely.
I feel like these warm sunny days are somehow borrowed…. delightful sips from a glass of sunny warmth that doesn’t belong to us. I am cherishing, savoring, basking in this last burst of warmth.
Soon the Brussels will be standing frozen and abandoned in the snowy field. The wild turkeys will be snacking on them as drivers whizzing by wonder what plant still stands in the field in January.
But for now, now it’s Brussels and sunshine. An oddly delightful November combination.
In the Box
- Acorn Squash
- Brussels Sprouts
- Butternut Squash
- Cabbage, Green
- Celeriac
- Carrots
- Garlic
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Leeks
- Onion, Mixed
- Potato, Red
- Radish, Beauty Heart
- Sweet Potatoes
Here are a few new recipes. Many, many more can be found in our recipe index. Just type in a veggie and recipes will pop up.
- Braised Lentils with Kohlrabi, Cabbage and Smoked Sausage
- Butternut Squash Frittata with Fried Sage
- Spicy Kale and Coconut Stir-Fry
- Carrot Tahini Salad with Chickpeas
- Spicy Thai Peanut Sauce Over Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Rice
- Mashed Brussels with Parmesan and Cream
Wednesday, November 4th, 2015: All REGS and EOs pick up