Beautification: Summer CSA ’12 ” Week #2
For those of you who have ever seen our front yard, you’ll know that we have a notoriously messy lawn. I would like to say that the messy lawn is because we just find grass seed heads to be gorgeous. While this is true, the real reason is that often we just can’t keep up with the yard when the fields are calling to us constantly. But this year is different. Okay, well the grass in our yard has still gone to seed, but I actually planted flowers around our house. I don’t really know anything about flowers, but I seeded a bunch of different kinds in the greenhouse and put out some annuals and some perennials – we’ll see what they do!
Beautifying around our home is all part of a larger move to beautify things around the farm. The fields themselves are always beautiful… but why not the box truck? When and where we can, we are trying to add touches of artistic beauty around the farm. Last season, we had Becky Redelings paint a vegetable mural on our box truck. Over the winter, I made stencils of our logo and painted a bunch of t-shirts and fabrics. This season, some industrious volunteers in Green County are painting a barn quilt for us that we will mount on the barn later this season. Our house needs re-siding, so we’re taking the opportunity to pick colors and such to match the house with the barn.
In the midst of all this beautifying, we are adding a new dimension to our upcoming farm event this year (3-5pm on June 23rd). Anna, one of our employees, made beautiful sketches bearing the new name of the farm and we thought it would be great fun to add a silk-screening component to our upcoming strawberry pick! You can come see the farm, pick some strawberries (more on this part of the event below), and silkscreen your own t-shirt. Here are the two lovely designs! If you’d like to silkscreen a shirt, please bring your own with you. As it’s a new event, we’re not sure of the level of interest and don’t want to buy a ton of shirts that won’t be used, so we’re asking that you come with your own. You can make the design either white, green, or burgundy on whichever tee(s) you bring. Feel free to bring as many shirts as you’d like!
For those of you interested in the strawberry pick portion of the event, I want to be very honest and let you know that we have NO idea how many berries will be available to pick. We are at our peak right now. The warm March, coupled with this super early HOT weather, means we just aren’t sure where the patch will be at by June 23rd. Usually the third weekend in June is the perfect time to let you all come clean out the patch. In our first 5 years, this was the exact right weekend. But with last year’s cold spring and this year’s hot spring, it’s a little harder to nail the right date. Never fear, though – there will always be t-shirts to silkscreen if the picking is slim!!! So we do hope you’ll come out for some fun on the farm!!!
A last note – you’ll see that this week there are some items that will be in REG boxes only, and similarly some items in EO boxes only. We try to make sure that the EO shares get the full diversity of vegetables available on the farm, so often there will be differences between the two share types.
Thanks so much for reading, and enjoy your veggies – and STRAWBERRIES!
Sincerely, Cassie, Mike, Zea and crew
In the Box
- Garlic Scapes
- Head Lettuce
- Radish
- Salad Turnips
- Spinach
- Strawberries
- Snow Peas
- Broccoli
- Rainbow Chard
- Zucchini
- Cilantro
- Kale, Russian
- Kohlrabi
- Salad Mix
- Scallions
This Week’s Recipes:
Please try out your free trial to the CSA menu planning service from Local Thyme:
Summer Week #2: Wednesday, June 13th ” Everyother Group B