An Ice-cream Maker: Veggie Share #4 -Wed., June 29
An Ice-cream Maker
I found myself in a conversation the other day, musing about ways to raise the quality of life at the farm house.
- Build a back porch?
- Maintain a cozy fire pit for friends to come enjoy?
- A swimming pool so kids would want to come visit my kids who are “trapped on the farm.”?
- A hot tub to attract the adults?
- My dad wants to build an ice rink. Seriously. I can’t have a visit with him without his telling me the latest way he is scheming to have winter ice out here. So… an ice rink?
- More hammocks?
- Sound proofing in the west walls of the house so the traffic isn’t so loud?
Hatching ideas about how to make one’s home space even more lovely can be really fun. It feels very middle-class American too – to be privileged enough to have just enough extra income that one has the ability to improve their living space. I’m grateful.
- Maybe put in some skylights so I can see more stars at night?
My home/land improvement conversation ended.
Later that night I was putting up strawberries for winter when I remembered I had coconut cream. All the sudden I needed to stop everything I was doing and make ice-cream. I’ve had the ice-cream drum frozen in the chest freezer for weeks in preparation for this night.
Into the blender went strawberries, coconut cream, a touch of vanilla, and a little bit of maple syrup. Then I poured this puree into the ice-cream maker.
I flipped the switch and watched it start to churn.
Like a little kid, I kept checking the ice-cream before it was done. I probably stuck my spoon in the top and stole some out at least five times. So freaking delicious.
The ice cream was finally done, and I filled my bowl with this pink June delicacy. I walked out to my porch, surveyed the fields in the distance, sucked in the post-sunset pre-darkness color of the sky, and thought to myself:
- An ice-cream maker and strawberries from my fields.
Farmer Cassie