Contact Us

Our Farm Location

Crossroads Community Farm

Mike and Cassie Noltnerwyss
4144 County Road J
Cross Plains, WI 53528

Phone: (608)798-0219


From Madison,  take the beltline west to the Mineral Point Road exit. Turn left off the exit. Travel about 6.5 miles on Mineral Point Road until you reach a stop sign. This is Pine Bluff, where Mineral Point intersects with County Road P. Take a left on P.  Take P for about 1 mile, and then turn left on County Road J. Our farm is the third on the left. The shed is blue, the barn is blue, and the house is white with blue trim.


    CCF Farmers and FamilyCrossroads Community Farm is a family-run CSA farm on the western fringe of Madison, WI. It is co-owned by Cassie & Mike – co-farmers and co-parents. Our farm is certified organic by MOSA and we are a Fairshare CSA Coalition Endorsed Farm.

    We know the importance of eating healthy food and adopting local, low-impact food habits. We try to make it easy by offering a host of pick-up sites around Madison and customizable veggie shares.