Cabbage, Zucchini, Broccoli and Potato Curry


Cabbage, Zucchini, Broccoli and Potato Curry

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March 29, 2017

Cabbage, Zucchini, Broccoli and Potato Curry


1.5 C rice (dry), either basmati or jasmine

2 T olive, peanut, or sesame oil

2-3 pearl onions, diced

2 garlic scapes, minced (easiest done in food processor)

¾ head cabbage, coarsely chopped

2 zucchini (halved lengthwise and sliced)

1-2 C chopped broccoli

4 medium-sized potatoes – peeled, and cubed

1 can coconut milk

2 T curry paste

1 t fish sauce (optional)

1 T soy sauce

Salt to taste


1Steam your rice; about 2.5-3 C water needed for 1.5 C rice.

2 In sauce pan, boil water. Once boiling, throw in your potatoes and boil until just soft. Drain the potatoes.

3 Meanwhile, in a cast iron or frying pan, heat the 2 T oil. Then add your onions and scapes. Saute until they soften.

4 Saute the broccoli. Once it has begun to soften, add the cabbage and zucchini to the pan. Sautee as you would a stir-fry – until the veggies soften a little, but make sure they still have some crunch. While stir-frying, add the soy sauce.

5 Next, pour your can of coconut milk into the pot with your drained potatoes. Turn on low heat. Then slowly stir in the curry paste. Add the fish sauce if desired.

6 Pour the potato curry mixture into the frying pan with the veggies. Simmer the entire mixture for about 5 minutes, being careful to stir.

7 Serve the curry over rice and enjoy! Salt to taste.
