Mosa Misses Dinner: Winter CSA ’11 – Delivery #4 (final)

 In CSA Newsletter

We have three pets at the farm; Ruby the dog, Mosa the big cat, and Dizzy the little cat. Mike and I took Ruby and Dizzy into our home as a couple; but Mosa’s been with me long before I knew farming would be part of my life.

Mosa will be 10 years old this spring. Throughout his lifetime he’s built up quite the repertoire of stories. Here’s a rough sketch of just a few:

–       Despite my landlord’s clearly stated prohibition on pets, Mosa lured me from the shelter. My eviction notice came 5 days later.

–       He was toilet-trained, but I had to abandon this practice upon my move to Madison, as it resulted in too many embarrassing social situations as I was trying to make new friends.

–       He learned how to take walks in the neighborhood with me. He’d wait for me outside of the grocery store. Just one whistle and he’d leap from his hiding spot and walk me home.

–       He was once taken from just outside our home, despite his tags. After a long and bizarre search we found him at a Northside Madison home with someone who felt they were rescuing him from the potential dangers of Halloween€¦. seriously.

Last week Mosa added on to his list of funny stories. Mosa might sleep inside or outside, but the cat NEVER misses a meal. Last week when he didn’t come in, we knew something was amiss. We whistled and whistled; checked the shed; the greenhouse; the top of the barn & the bottom. Just as Mike was walking out of the barn he heard a faint meow. Somehow Mosa was stuck in between the sill between barn floors. He must have chased a mouse (he’s a great mouser) up into this little cavity.

We first tried climbing up a ladder and coaxing him out with food. But the shake of his food dish only seemed to torture him, as he was either unwilling or unable to get back out of this cavity.

Next we tried using a Saws-all to cut a wedge of wood out of the beam that was trapping him in this cavity. He survived the loudness of the saw, but still no dice.

Then we decided that maybe instead of trying to get him to crawl down, we could get him to crawl up. We went to the top of the barn and yanked up a floor board. We shook more food, and he finally jumped free.

Like any good cat, he was totally unappreciative.

Unlike our cat, we are very appreciative of those who take care of us. Whether you realize it or not, by being a member of our CSA, you support our family. Thank you.

Have a fantastic winter & thank you again for a wonderful year.


Mike, Cassie, & Zea


In the Box:

  • Beauty Heart Radish (whitish, green on outside)
  • Beets
  • Butternut Squash
  • Carrots
  • Celeriac ” (brown and knobby)
  • Festival Squash
  • Garlic
  • Green Cabbage
  • Leeks
  • Onion, mixed
  • Potatoes, yellow

This Week’s Recipes:

Final Winter Delivery: REGS only – Wednesday, Dec. 14th